Wood Squirrel Mini Wallet

Red and Green Poodle Mini Wallet

Raging Flower Bull Mini

Plaid Bunny Profile Mini

Little Squirrel Mini Wallet

The Brown Plaid is from a pair of pants I hemmed for my boyfriend :) Yay upcycling!
It was also his idea to do a jackalope. I was going to give it to him but then it sold, I definitely will be making more of them though.

Bright Plaid Bunny Mini

Black Dachshund Mini

Yellow and Green Chihuahua Wallet

Yellow Pigeon Wallet

Yellow Bicycle Spokes Wallet

Blue Moose Wallet

Red Wood Deer Wallet

My first Octopus Wallet!

Black Crow Wallet, I love this fabric!!

Blue and Mahogany Bird Silhouette Wallet

Beige and Blue Floral Chicken Wallet

Retro Black Dachshund Wallet

Bright Plaid Bison Wallet